Unseen future

Sweden Uppsala, youth 5.11.2016
God has it all!

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” -Isaiah 41:10

We are going to an "unknown" future! but thats the beauty of believing in God, because HE HAS IT ALL. 
Throughout the bible we see that heroes faced difficult times but God repeated that he has it all. Isaiah 41:10- God says I am with you, if God is for us no fear can hold us. 
I do not know what will happen tomorrow, or in a week, or what the future holds! But my faith, is my hope, I know that God is under control, he has it all and planed for me a great future even before I was born: 

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,

and before you were born I consecrated you;
I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” -Jeremiah 1: 5

God had a plan for Jeremiah before he was born, he had it all when Jeremiah was in his moms womb, all Jeremiah had to do is to choose God and follow him, trust him. 
And when you are down to nothing, GOD is up to something. 
Merry did not know what she was standing before ,when the angel came to tell her she was going to get pregnant through the holy spirit! 
and the angel warns her to not be scared.

So as the new year 2017 comes, and it feels scary when you don`t know what the future holds, remember that God has it all, choose him, follow him, cast your fears and doubts on him and he will take care. When I was about to go to the most professional ballet in the city, I was pretty scared, I thought I was not that good, but God had it all, he was there to give me strengths, and after two years I went to a mission trip where I taught dancing young girls that come from broken families. So yes, new beginnings are scary,unseen and unknown but God has it ALL.
This year I`m going to the army, IDF and I have no idea whats gonna be there, what this period of life holds, one thing I remember is all the things that have already done in my life, and it keeps me remembering that he has it all.

The same God that holds the sky holds your future!! Isn`t that amazing? Remember it and rejoice! HE HAS IT ALL!!


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